Organize Your Life

with a Professional Organizer

Welcome! I’m Kaleigh Tuso

Professional Organizer, Declutter & Productivity Consultant, Educator

My purpose is to support your organizing journey! 

✓ I will create custom organizational systems that are perfect for your

unique lifestyle, routine & desired outcome

✓ You will receive customized spatial planning and room design recommendations

with hands-on guidance throughout the entire organizing process

Discover the detailed steps I take to create beautiful, functional organized spaces for my clients!

Discover My Organizing Services

  • Tidy Mentorship

    Learn how to declutter, organize & tidy.

    I will simplify the process and teach it in consumable hands-on steps.

    This option is great for kids and teens, but is available to anyone interested in learning lifelong skills!

  • Organizing Sessions

    We will declutter, organize and design a tidy space in your home or business.

    You will feel peaceful & refreshed.

    You will have manageable organization systems that fit seamlessly into your life.

  • Virtual Organizing

    I will support your decluttering and organizing journey via zoom!

    Customized Spatial Planning & Design

    Friendly Banter & Body Doubling to keep you focused on your goals.

Let’s Get Connected